Would you believe this all started on Prodigy? I was a huge Lou
Reed fan and was mildly irritated that there were like 42 message
boards for U2 and none for the artists who gave them their
inspiration. So I started a Lou Reed board and attracted some
people, tho not many. This was 1991.
As the Internet began to take hold, I was always disappointed
in the lack of Lou/VU-related materials. So first I ran an FTP
site, started a newsgroup
and later (once it was invented) I put together the first Lou Reed
Web page at http://daneel.acns.nwu.edu:8081/html/lou/discog.html.
I had to compile the Web server myself cuz it wasn't like there
were any public servers anywhere. It was March 1994 and the Web
was fewer than 1000 sites old. I posted a note to the Lou list,
then run by Anthony J. Rzepela, a man I've never met, but owe much
to. And folks from the world over started showing up in my logs.
Man, the Internet's cool. We forget that sometimes.
How old is this site? Soooo old, that for a while, if you
searched the entire Internet for the word "Heroin," this site came
up #1. And if you searched for a couple favorite four-letter
words, this was in the top five. And I mean, of course, searching
with Lycos when it was still at cmu.edu.
Anyway, life goes on. Priorities change. And the focus of what
has become rocknroll.net has shifted. Thankfully, many others have
picked up my slack and Lou has put up his own page.
But I'm leaving this here. As an artifact, partially. And
because people still come here, and read what they read, and
sometimes they're kind enough to send me mail and tell me about
it. So enjoy. And if you like, poke around the rest of rocknroll.net. You'll find
stories and photos about a lot of familiar